Multiple Ways To Have Solar

Here are four different ways

Power Purchase

Power Purchase Agreement

Enfinity's Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) stands as a financially savvy and sustainable solution for customers' electricity needs. This hassle-free option encompasses the design, permitting, financing, and installation of a solar power system either on or near the customer’s facilities, be it a rooftop, parking lot, or unused land. By eliminating upfront costs and the need for equipment investment or maintenance worries, Enfinity's PPA offers a cost-effective pathway for accessing clean electricity.

Furthermore, our PPA provides customers with the security and predictability necessary for future planning. With fixed electricity rates per kilowatt-hour (kWh), customers are shielded from the volatility of electricity prices, ensuring a stable cost structure. This security, coupled with the environmental benefits of solar power, renders Enfinity's PPA an attractive option for various sectors, including commercial and industrial facilities, residential communities, government agencies, and the power utility sector, each seeking a prudent investment in their electricity future. Typical PPA agreements span 15 to 25 years, with guaranteed year-on-year solar plant/system output for up to 25 or 30 years.

Under the Enfinity PPA, customers benefit from comprehensive maintenance support, alongside financial and technical coverage throughout the agreement's duration. With Enfinity's expertise and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, clients can be confident they are making a wise investment, securing electricity at a unit price lower than that offered by utility providers.”


Lease to Purchase Agreement

Enfinity presents a Solar Lease to Purchase Agreement (LtPA) designed to empower customers to acquire Solar Power Systems seamlessly. Under this arrangement, customers have the opportunity to purchase Solar Power Systems via a leasing scheme, benefiting from the system's advantages throughout the agreement's duration. Despite not owning the system until the LtPA's completion, customers enjoy a hassle-free process without the burden of upfront capital or down payments. The LtPA encompasses everything from design and permitting to financing and installation, ensuring a convenient and cost-effective means for customers to access clean electricity without initial expenses or concerns about equipment maintenance.

Enfinity's LtPA offers customers the assurance and predictability necessary for future planning. With a fixed monthly payment equivalent to electricity rates per kilowatt-hour (kWh), customers are shielded from fluctuations in electricity prices, resulting in immediate savings on their bills. Furthermore, customers can capitalize on excess electricity production by selling it back to the utility through Net-Metering regulations.

This combination of financial security and environmental benefits positions Enfinity's LtPA as an appealing choice for commercial and industrial facility owners, residential communities, and government agencies, each seeking a prudent investment in their electricity future. Typically spanning 15 to 25 years, with guaranteed solar plant/system output for up to 25/30 years, our LtPA provides comprehensive maintenance support and financial and technical coverage throughout the agreement's duration.

Enfinity's commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that customers can trust they are making a wise investment. By paying a monthly fixed amount lower than the electricity price from utility providers, customers can confidently embrace the benefits of solar power while enjoying peace of mind.


Equipment Loan Agreement

Enfinity offers a Solar Equipment Loan Agreement (SELA) as a flexible financing solution for customers seeking access to solar panels and inverters without the burden of upfront costs. Similar to traditional loans, we extends indirect funds to customers by providing the equipment, with repayment made through monthly fixed installments. However, unlike conventional loans, customers are tasked with organizing payment for the system's design, permission, installation, operation, and maintenance.

Enfinity's SELA empowers commercial and industrial facility owners, residential communities, and government agencies to own their Solar Power System. The arrangement includes the delivery of solar panels and inverters to the customer's premises, whether rooftops, parking lots, or unused land, facilitated by SELA.

By choosing the SELA, customers stand to save significantly on their electricity bills, with potential savings ranging from 40% to 70% over the system's lifetime. The term of the SELA is tailored to meet the customer's needs, agreed upon collaboratively by Enfinity and the customer. This approach not only assists customers in securing their electricity costs against future price fluctuations but also provides indirect access to solar panels and inverters, enhancing financial stability and sustainability.


Purchase Agreement

Enfinity presents the Solar System Purchase Agreement (SSPA), offering customers a financial attractive offer to procure a tailored solar power system outright. With this option, customers gain full ownership of the equipment, enabling them to harness solar energy to meet their electricity needs. This SSPA is particularly attractive to commercial and industrial facility owners, residential communities, and government agencies seeking to slash monthly electricity expenses and reduce reliance on conventional utility providers.

Enfinity's solar power systems are meticulously crafted to optimize electricity production, customized to suit each customer's unique facility requirements. From securing permits to delivering custom designs, procuring materials, and executing installations, Enfinity oversees every aspect of the process until the system is fully operational.

Additionally, we offer an optional operation and maintenance (O&M) plan for customers' solar power systems, although customers retain the autonomy to manage maintenance independently. The solar equipment boasts durability and is backed by manufacturer warranties, including 25-year linear solar panel performance guarantees and a minimum 5-year warranty for inverters, offering customers peace of mind in case of any issues.

With Enfinity's SSPA, customers assume ownership of the complete solar power system from day one, leading to significant reductions in utility bills. The extent of savings is contingent upon factors such as the customer's current utility rate, net metering agreements, roof size, orientation, and local regulations. Moreover, investing in solar power systems has the potential to enhance the overall value of customers' properties.

Our expertise ensures that customers receive meticulously designed systems installed with top-quality equipment, along with access to ongoing support and maintenance options, fostering confidence in their solar investment.

Power Your Property with Beautiful Solar